Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Is the Portrait Lost?

I had a moment tonight to reflect on the industry over the past decade. It’s pretty much been ten years since I started shooting. In the early years, I would take the time to set up a tripod to photograph a client and get a few strong emotion evoking portraits on a roll of 120 that would tell their individual story. When you had 15-16 frames to capture a vision, you took your time to compose and properly address any potential issues. A professional was efficient and thorough.

Today, photos have seemingly overpowered our senses. Social media such as Facebook and Instagram are photo driven. Many photographers have become lazy relying on editing to elevate their images. Through the desire to post new photos daily I have witnessed the landscape change but with thousands of images blurring our vision daily I feel a strong still-photo maintains its power. A photo can freeze time. When you stop in front of a well thought out image you can't help but pause and take it all in. A thousand words? Perhaps, but I think some can tell so much more - some a lifetime of stories.

More imagery is not always better. I challenge each of you to look at photos with added purpose. Visit museums and galleries and take a deep breath - look past the snapshots that are overwhelming in our day to day activities. Life takes on a new meaning when you are drawn to a portrait that tells a story and this can never be lost.


Monday, 22 April 2013



We each have a vision of what “beautiful” is. When we look at a set of photos, there are always a few that jump out at us isn’t there? The truth is, every single person has a beautiful side and someone that can find it can capture it.

I feel in many ways beauty shines most brightly through those that love themselves but I also feel that those lacking self-confidence and worth are equally as beautiful in their unique way.  It can take time to reverse the thought patterns a person has locked in place. When someone looks in the mirror and doesn’t feel they are good enough to have their photo taken, that is a challenge I thrive on. I often receive emails from girls who are timid asking to book a shoot. They start off revealing their nervousness and the thought that I likely only work with experienced models. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The majority of ladies I work with are regular people, many with the same fears and insecurities others experience. I have had the honour of traveling around North America working with hundreds of first time “models”. I have worked with victims of domestic abuse who feel worthless. Each person is beautiful when they see themselves through my eyes. Does the camera have the power to undo years of negative self-image? You bet it does!! A quality portrait can be the foundation to a new life. That’s exciting!!

(2011 David Ford Choice Award winner Chelsea is one of the most beautiful athletes I have photographed.)

Each of us has friends that battle inner demons daily. How often do we reach out and share a positive word?  One simple word can make all the difference in a person’s day. I challenge each of you to say one kind word a day to someone on social media. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Thank you for reading,


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Investing for Maximum ROI

The past month has been incredibly hectic, but at the same time, very rewarding as I invest some quality time into learning and networking outside the fitness industry. How many times do we take the initiative to focus on ourselves from time to time? Not many right? I for one am guilty of neglecting myself. My recent trip to Vancouver to attend the Professional Photographers of Canada Canadian Imaging Conference was the first "holiday" I have taken since a trip back to Newfoundland for Christmas in 1998. 

On Saturday I had the opportunity to return to my alma mater where I graduated with my BBA. This time, it was my brother’s girlfriend who was walking down the isle with a cheek-to-cheek grin. It’s something to be proud of - all those years of study culminating with a mortarboard and a graduate diploma - it means something. I reminisced and thought about the years since - wow!! I have concluded that as long as you do everything to the best of your ability you are never wasting time. Sure we may switch directions in life, but that is a part of growing. Over the years I have managed a gym and a construction business - but it took me a few years before I settled into what I loved doing the most - taking photos. A camera gives me an opportunity to leave a little of myself with each client I work with and that friends is profound and rewarding.

Although I receive a lot of “Thank Yous” and compliments regarding my work, I get emails at times that catch me off guard – in a good way. On Friday I received a message from a girl I photographed at the Canadian Nationals in BC in 2012. Here are a few combined exerts: “David, I just want to thank you for your blogs... the topics you write about are what individuals are thinking and wondering about. Your blogs have guided me and given me a different perspective. When I started in the industry in 2007 I was very naive and wish I had had some proper guidance. I hope you continue to blog and pass on your knowledge and perspective of different things that occur out there. When I met you in Aug 2012 you exceeded my expectations, I heard many great things and from chatting previously I knew you were going to be an "ok guy" lol, but your personality and now your blogs... well all I have to say is you are doing exactly what you should be doing... you make a difference David in many lives when it comes to self esteem and self confidence. Thank you!”

On Saturday, Hope Channel Inc President Bradley Thorp shared at the Baccalaureate a talk titled “Investing for Maximum ROI”.  In it he encouraged every graduate to find their gift, regardless of how small they perceive it to be and share it with the world. He reiterated we all have something we can share with the world. Perhaps it’s our caring personality, our ability to teach, clean floors, drive a cab, or concentrate on doing a life saving surgery. In society most skills are rewarded differently, but the fact remains we each have the capacity to do good for those around us and make a significant difference. Think about it. Whatever we are doing this moment in our lives we need to be doing it to the best of our abilities. It is likely something we excel in and it does make a difference with those around us regardless if we reap the thanks.

As a photographer there used to be a time when I questioned the good I did with a camera. There are so many people in the industry for the wrong reasons and at times it’s near embarrassing to say “I’m a professional photographer". However, when I receive a little special “Thank You” like I did on Friday, I feel like I am making a difference. I’m not the only one that is though. You are too.

I challenge you to keep working hard at what you’re doing now and continue to make a difference. Take pride in your work and in yourself. Invest your energy wisely and it’ll show in the final product which I consider maximizing your ROI (Return on Investment).

Until next time,


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Creating and Chasing Goals

It's been a while since I have last added a Blog - a year come Mother's Day it looks like. After my last Blog, I realized life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. As much as I enjoy the friendships of the net - I have to ensure I put myself first when possible - which is what I started to do over the past few months - in a professional sense. I have long been interested in joining a prestigious professional photographers group and there isn't any more acclaimed in Canada than the Professional Photographer's of Canada. This group consists of true professionals who abide by a strict code of ethics which includes consistently producing the highest quality of work in a very professional and timely manner and respecting fellow artists.

Over the past few months I have worked towards and have been Accredited in four important categories including Editorial Portraiture, Fashion, High Key Portraiture and Modelling Portfolio. Accreditation means a photographer has shown consistent high quality work that has passed the scrutiny of National level judges. It's exciting to set goals for myself and meet them on my way to making myself a better photographer.

This week I have had the opportunity to attend the Canadian Imaging Conference in Vancouver, BC, and attend many exceptional workshops and seminars including those of two very impressive professionals - Gregory Heisler (Pictured with me) and Steve Simon. Both have made a lasting impression on me and I look forward to sharing many insights through my new work in the future.

(Meeting renown portrait photographer Gregory Heisler of NYC.)

I encourage each of you to set personal goals and make them happen. Life is short and if you aren't doing something you love, you will quickly regret not taking action.

Until next time,
