Saturday 12 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

 "This is your best picture of any fighter." - college hockey teammate and friend - Eldon Jamieson.

"This is your best picture of any fighter". These words from a friend, Eldon Jamieson, really made an impact on me. I have photographed the top UFC fighters in the world. I have photographed Georges St. Pierre a half dozen times, Cain Velasquez, Jake Shields, Quinton Jackson, Lyoto Machida... the list goes on. But, I had never photographed someone, precious to me, that was fighting for their life... until now. This image taken in the emergency room as dad prayed for God's healing hand tells a strong story, especially to those that know my family.

On May 9, I decided to step away from work and watch a little of the NHL play-offs. I'm a big hockey fan and have enjoyed a number of the series this year. My phone was a few feet away charging on silent mode.

At 8:01pm on Wednesday, May 9, I received a text from my brother saying, "Dave call me... Mom is in the hospital". Life stood still as my mind went into over-drive. I called my brother in law who was at the hospital with my family. He said, "it looks like mom's had a heart attack and is in serious condition." A person in their 20s would have a hard time sustaining a heart rate hitting 180 BPM so at 77 years old, and having battled cancer with chemotherapy treatment, everyone knew the seriousness of what my mom was going through. Fluid had been consuming her lungs as her frail organ did it's best to pump life giving oxygen throughout her collapsed body. Defibrillator paddles were brought in.

On Saturday, May 5th, I had visited my family to celebrate my brother in law's birthday. It was a fun day. As Cecilia and I were leaving, I asked her if she would take a photo of mom and I. Mom pulled me close and gave me a tight hug like she always does. The smile on her face said it all. She was proud of me, and I of her. She told me "this is the first picture of just you and I since you were 4 months old." I had no idea. We've had a lot of family pictures, but I hadn't posed with just my mother ever in my life. How insane is that?

 (My mom and I on May 5 just 4 days before her heart failure.)

I came home from the hospital on Wednesday night not knowing if my mom would be alive the next morning. She had stabilized but you never know. I came home and wrote this short Mother's Day Poem around midnight.

 Happy Mother's Day

the life i knew
tucked in
by a kiss
by stories
at bed time
i was able
to return
the favor
you didn’t know
but as i tucked
your feet in
in er
your heart hurting
beating irregular
for life
of days gone by
were front
and center
your smile
stays with me
a photograph
by impulse
a great day
this weekend
mothers day
i’m thankful
for you
you will
be with me
no matter what
i want
to tell you
i love you
one more time
I want you
to know
you’re not alone
you’re loved
as you loved me
happy mother’s day

I have spent a good part of every day since May 9 beside my mom at the hospital. She's been diagnosed with heart disease and goes for tests early this coming week. I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their continued prayers and positive thoughts. It means the world to me and I know it's making an impact on bettering my mom's health. Thank you and keep them coming.

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