You Know You're Into Photography When:
- Your electrical outlets are full of photo/video recharging devices.
- Your coffee table is covered in books by Avedon, Lindberg
and LaChapelle.
- Your mail arrives and you are more excited to see the
latest issue of Picture then to get payments.
- You spend your entire summer inside on the computer rather
than outside enjoying the weather.
- You use ruined CD/DVD as coasters.
- You remember dates of famous photographers while
forgetting the birthdays of family and close friends.
- Your kitchen counters have been taken over by all the
latest Mac gear.
- You have to ask, do you mean Aperture the program or on
your camera?
- You use medium format and pro film cameras as paper
- You have actually joked about the Nikon vs Canon debate.
- You save important photos on multiple drives in locations
miles apart.
- You actually discuss another photographer's question about
which camera you use.
- You don't mind getting into an awkward position in public
to get "that shot."
- Someone hands you a point and shoot camera to take a quick
photo you instinctively lift the brim of your hat and bring it to your eye only
to realize it has no viewfinder.
- You see things different when shooting in B&W then in
- Models tell you you pose better than they do.
- You buy an $850 iPad to use as your mobile portfolio.
- You can't help but notice how great the lighting is during
a movie.
- You constantly try to accurately guess the exposure for
various scenes around you.
- You step into the hot sun and think - I'm glad I'm not shooting
a wedding today.
- You see a nice photo and say, I could shoot that. (But you
- You are satisfied with the camera you have rather than the
latest technology.
- Finding stored rolls of film in shopping bags and old
camera bags make you smile.
- Walking into a hotel lobby and trying to guess the white
- You could happily spend a day at a camera store talking
shop and playing with new gadgets rather than sitting by a pool in Vegas.
- Something builds inside you when someone says "great
shot, what camera did you use?"
- You feel antsy after deciding not to stop to take a photo.
- You photos inspire other photographers.
- You let someone else hold your camera and joke "you
drop it you bought it."
- You get nervous when someone asks to hold your camera.
- You have to resist the urge to pull the car over for a
perfect shot because you're running late to an appointment.
- You look at photos around you and try to figure out the
- Your friends all want to give you their camera at social
gathers for candis and group photos.
- The camera salesman is quick to let you play with the
latest and most expensive gear.
- You understand the difference between bokeh and a cultural
- Working with beautiful women you only notice the lighting.
- You are not embarrassed to pull out your iPhone regardless
if there are others around with pro DSLRs.
- Models tell you they were asked by other photographers to
take pictures of your lighting to share later.
- Other photographers ask you about your gear so they don't
fall too far behind in the cold tech war.
- The new Yellow Pages arrives and you quickly look up Photographers
to see who has better placement and ads than you.
- You notice how inaccurate photographers are played in
- You wonder how they created such incredible bokeh in the
- Someone compliments you on a tear sheet and you don't even
care to check it out.
- Every magazine in your house features your work.
- Everything you look at is compared to your 18% grey card.
- You buy Gears of War 3 just to see HDR in action.
- You don't question a person spending more on their camera gear than on the car they drive.
- You can quickly and effectively teach someone exposure
through ISO, aperture, and shutter speed
- You go for your passport photo and question the lighting.
- Your friend trips and hurts themselves and you are fast
enough to grab a few shots before offering to help.
- You're looking to buy a house based on studio potential.
- Your studio office takes over your entire condo.
- 1G of memory lasts friends a year while 32G last you an
afternoon - tops.
- You don't have to delete one shot from an afternoon of
- You can shoot, sort and get a clients images out in the
same day.
- You have enough lighting stands you could hold up a house.
- You have a camera bag for ten different shooting
- You get a tear sheet and make it your Facebook avatar even
though it's not a photo of you.
- You are late for a date and your significant other automatically
knows you stopped to snag a few photos.
- Your studio is actually your own living quarters.
- You're in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal and
you want to shorten your vacation to share photos on Instagram.
- You view a beautiful scene and quickly decide which
gradient you would use.
- You're on a romantic outing and while looking into your
significant other's eyes you are thinking ISO 100, F5.6 at a 60th.
- You won't buy less than a pack of 16 AA batteries at a
- You remember your camera bag but have to return for your
car keys.
- A 2T hard-drive doesn't last you more than a couple
- You spend your nights watching the latest episodes of
Creative Live rather than anything on TV.
- You won't get up early to make it to the gym but you'll
get up a couple hours early to find that perfect morning photo.
- You are out and about and tourists automatically hand you their camera to take their group photo.
- You can't help but offer your services to couples taking individual photos of each other at landmarks.
- You are out and about and tourists automatically hand you their camera to take their group photo.
- You can't help but offer your services to couples taking individual photos of each other at landmarks.
- You wake up and can't wait to get out shooting.
This list is endless. Please feel free to add your own in the comments box below.
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